I've had the privilege to travel to Salone with WOHint 3x now! This door opened literally from having a car accident and meeting my best friend. I soon discovered what a cool job she had working with women with disabilities in Africa and I had a desire to partner with her! The initial trip lead to an eternal bond with the women of Sierra Leone. I'm grateful for ordained accidents.
Click to learn more about Women of Hope and the incredible work they do in Sierra Leone!
When approached by a friend and board member of WOHint to travel with HSI to the Amazon River Jungle of Peru, I didn't know what I was in store for! Heart Sounds International exists to help ignite biblically appropriate and culturally relevant heart worship in places where Christ-followers are restricted, persecuted or unknown. Let your imagination run wild from there! I had the unique perspective of relationship builder and visual storyteller on this trip with ethnomusicologists and multilingual missionaries. By the end of this trip, the stoic Urarina women had adopted me as their own.....red shirt, beautiful necklaces, black skirt, and perfectly parted hair. This trip led to an extensive awareness of just how marvelous and big our Creator is. He fights for those who are seeking. He captivates hearts and minds through arts and education. My life and trajectory was beautifully altered from this trip.
Check out the unique way Heart Sounds does ministry around the globe!